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The Wentworth Blog

Why Winter is the Perfect Time to Tackle Shoreline Projects

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Why is shoreline preservation so important?

Over-time, shorelines are impacted by various factors such as storm water runoff and fluctuating water levels, as a result they are vunderable to erosion. A disappearing shoreline is a great cause for concern because once that square footage of land is lost it's irreplaceable, but not only that, the reduced square footage might also impact your properties value. This emphasizes the vital importance of shoreline preservation.

Why Winter for Shoreline Preservation?

This might come as a surprise but when it comes to shoreline upgrades winter is actually the perfect season to tackle these types of projects, and here's why:

Minimal Outdoor Activity Disruption:

There's probably a good chance that you won't be utilizing your shoreline during the winter month's (unless you're brave enough to endure those icy plunges). This provides the perfect opportunity to tansform your space while the space isn't being utilized, and your shoreline won't be a construction site in the midst of summer. You'll have the pleasure of having it ready to be enjoyed just in time for the warm weather!

Soil Conditions:

The colder temperatures result in firmer and drier soil, in contrast to the muddier conditions in spring and summer. This makes it far easier to install the support structures securely into the ground.

Whether it’s your cottage, second home or home sweet home, our crews can restore your shore.